Inter-racial Couples

Man and woman embracing in a park

Going through hardship in romantic relationships is ubiquitous- we are all challenged living in intimacy with another- but it’s made even harder when our partner’s family culture is widely different from our own. So much gets lost in translation and can be misconstrued as misattunement, judgment, or even contempt. These incidental collisions are easily morphed into dynamics that can feel uncanny at times and toxic at others.

While cultural differences are seen in the majority of couples, it’s even more pronounced with couples who come from distinctly different cultures. Our clinicians are well-versed in understanding and helping multi-racial/inter-racial couples. Some of our clinicians specialize in the intricate and delicate dance that ensues when cultures are disparate or even clash. We facilitate difficult discussions about implicit racism, inherent biases, and a myriad of other tender topics to dissipate the feeling of brittleness that can grow when unprocessed.

We hope that through the experience of gently sorting through what has been missed, how you’ve been hurt, and where you feel stuck, you’ll come to feel deeply understood, seen, and appreciated by your partner, not despite but because of your remarkable differences.